Timber Profiles

Jewellery Timber Profiles: No.1 Medicine Wood


Timber Profiles: No.1 Medicine Wood

Today’s post is the first in the Timber Profiles series where I will talk about the timbers I love to use in my work.

Medicine Wood would have to be one of the most vibrant timbers I have in my collection. The intense orange colour of the heartwood is banded with an almost white rim of sapwood. Its a small tree that is found in the dryland areas of north-eastern Australia. It was used by the aborigines as a medicinal smoke, hence its name.

I like to incorporate both parts of the timber in my work as it creates a beautiful contrast. It’s quite a hard timber but its still nice to work with as the grain structure is not too fibrous. This makes it easy to shape and polish.

To keep up to date with the Timber Profiles series you can like us on facebook. Each week I will be featuring a new timber.

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